




醋溜小说网 www.chncl.com,妈妈的黑色梦魇无错无删减全文免费阅读!

;“no, they raped ih roo, over the toil and ih tub and they raped the livg roo, the uch(不是,他们在洗手间的抽水马桶上和浴盆里强奸我。还有在客厅的长沙发上强奸我。)”

    “how long did they sexually assault you?(他们性侵犯了您多久?)”

    “fro elve to seven the (从12点到早上7点。)”

    “when did your hband and n arrive ho?(您丈夫和孩子是什么时候到家的?)”

    “i don’t know around elve thirty to one(我不知道 大约12点半到一点之间吧。)”

    “what happened when they got ho? did they call police?(他们到家后怎么样了?他们有叫警察吗?)”

    “no they they beat up y hband and y n, and tied the up the bed roo(他们打了我丈夫和我儿子,并且把他们绑在卧室里。)”

    “then what happened?(后来怎么样?)”

    “then they raped aga and aga till seven o’clock they thrted ay bottle y vaga before they left(后来他们反复强奸我,一直到7点。他们把一个空瓶子塞到我的yīn道里,就离开了。)”

    “you weren’t wearg any cloth fro elve to seven, while they were sexually assaultg you? are you sure about that?(就是说您从12点到7点中间一直没穿衣服,那时他们在性侵犯您?您肯定吗?)”

    “yes, i a sure(是的,我很肯定。)”

    “when did you call police?(您什么时候叫的警察?)”

    “about eight thirty y hband called police(大概8点半 我丈夫叫的警察。”

    “what happened bween seven to eight thirty?(7点到8点半之间,你们在做什么?)”

    “i don’t know i was lyg on the ud passed out y hband and y n were still tied the bedroo(我不知道 我躺在长沙发上处于昏睡状态。我丈夫和我儿子还被绑在卧室里)”

    “did you uhe?(是你给他们松绑的吗?)”

    “yes, i woke up and uhe it was arou thirty(是的,我醒来后给他们松绑。那时大概是8点半。)”

    “then what happened?(后来怎么样?)”

    “theried to g the bottle fro y vaga then the police arrived (后来我们想把瓶子从我的yīn道里弄出来。后来警察就来了。)”

    “did you wear any underwears at that ti?(您那时候穿内衣了吗?)”

    “no, i didn’t(没有,我没穿。)”

    “did you have any clothes on then?(您那时身上有没有穿衣服?)”

    “no, i had nothg on except a bath towel, then it was taken fro becae it kept slippg off(没有,我什么也没穿,只围着一条浴巾,后来也被拿开,因为它一直滑下来。)”

    “then when did you put on your underwears and other clothes before you yangt to the ic?(那您去诊所前什么时候穿的内衣和其它衣服?)”

    “i put the ht before we left(我就是出发前穿的。)”

    “are you still wearg the?(您还穿在身上吗?)”

    “yes, i a wearg the(是,我还穿在身上。)”

    “that is to say, s yang, siwelve o’clock st night, which is when the vaders ripped off your underwears and started to sexually assault you, you have not worn any underwears except for the one you are currently wearg are you sure about that?(也就是说,杨女士,从昨晚12点开始,也就是侵入者扒掉您的内衣开始性侵犯您的时候开始,您除了现在身上穿的以外,没有穿过内衣。您肯定吗?)”

    “yes i’ sure( 是的 我肯定。)”

    “and you are sure you have only one sexual partner, you hband,who was out of town for days until that night?(而且,您只有一个性伙伴,就是您丈夫,他那晚前几天都不在家?)”

    “yes i a sure (是 我肯定。)”

    “and you are sure you have never been sexually assaulted before?(而且您肯定您之前没有被性侵犯过?)”

    “yes, i a sure (是的,我肯定。)”

    我从中间听出有什么不对,问玛丽安警官“ada officer, exce , but what why was that havg anythg to do with y o’s rape?( 警官女士,对不起,这 这跟我妈被强奸有什么关系?)”

    “oh, nothg it’s jt we found sper on your other’s panties and pad(哦,没事 就是你母亲的内裤和月经垫上有精液。)”




